The church cannot be herself without woman and her role...The feminine genius is needed wherever we make important decisions.”
– Pope Francis

Our 2021 Fall Bake Sale was a resounding success thanks to the efforts of our talented bakers, dedicated volunteers and extraordinary Event Chair, Marty Schnoebelen!

Volunteers came out on Saturday to greet Villagers with good cheer and delicious pies, cookies, muffins and other delicious specialties. On Sunday, Marty's team arrived in the dark and worked through some chilly weather.  All to earn over $2448 to donate to our LOSH charities, an amount nearly $500 over our budget!!!  Thanks to the hard work of these ladies, LOSH was able to provide an unanticipated $500 to the SHJ Food Basket Program in addition to the usual support we give to this worthy ministry to our neighbors in need.




Vernell Ann
Vernell Ann