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Sunday, August 22, 2021
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Calendar

August 2021
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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8:00am [8:00am] Mass-Live Streamed (Food Collection - Jackson House)
9:00am [9:00am] Village Walk for Cancer Research Registration (Narthex-Before and After Both Masses)
10:00am [10:00am] Mass (Food Collection - Jackson House)
3:00pm [3:00pm] Men's Club Nine & Dine Golf Outing (DeSoto Golf Course)
The Men's Club will be hosting their 3rd annual Nine and Dine today at DeSoto Golf Course. Format is a four-person scramble. It will be a shot gun start at 3:00 p.m. followed by dinner. The menu is hot chips, salad, chicken fingers, pizza and any non-alcoholic beverage. Price is $25 per person. Green fees and carts are separate. This is considered the first fund raiser for the Men's Club calendar. To register for Golf: 1. Your POA # (golfers only). 2. Your average for 9 holes. 3. Anyone you would like included in your foursome (I'll do the best I can to accommodate all requests) 4. A check made out to Sacred Heart Church (Men's Club on the memo line). 5. All monies must be received by August 18th. 6. All reservations please email Mike Webster: or call 501-209-5476. Checks mailed to: M. Webster, 32 Alteza Dr. HSV, AR 71909 If your spouse/friend is dining but not golfing only need their name.

[3:00pm] The Mother Mary Prayer Group (Classrooms A & B)