The purpose of this organization is to unite all women in the religious and social activities beneficial to the Parish and to service parish needs. The following is a list of the 10 guilds under the umbrella of Ladies of Sacred Heart. Each guild has a Captain, or Co-Captains and its own activities.
Captain: Nancy Froning
Captain: Mary Lou George
Co-Captain: Lou Millett
Co-Captain: Sarah Aucoin
Captain: Elaine MacDonald
Captain: Liz McLaughlin
Captain: Valerie Hartnett
Co-Captain: Beth Schmidt
Captain: Chris Frantz
Co-Captain: Arlene Butler
Co-Captain: Ellie Hubert
Co-Captain: Judy Free
1. St. Monica
Captain: JoAnn O’BrienCaptain: Nancy Froning
- Attend First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament especially the First Friday in July
- Make a conscious effort to attend Funeral Masses to spiritually support our parish family
- Volunteer at the Loan Closet on the 3rd and 5th Mondays of the month.
- Provide Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter food baskets for Mission Outreach
- Sponsor a child through the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging
- Members volunteer at Jackson House
- Seven members belong to the Rosary Makers
- Members are very active in baking for parish functions and helping out in any way we can
- Volunteer to package Christmas Cookies for Church Sale
- Members celebrate the feast day of St. Monica, August 27, by going to Mass and out for breakfast.
- We enjoy several luncheon meetings throughout the year and at least one social activity which includes members’ spouses and/or guests
2. All Saints
Captain: Lori BussoneCaptain: Mary Lou George
- Sponsor 2nd grade class at Mt. Pine by donating monthly Goodie Bags, school supplies and personal items
- Donate sweat shirts for our 2nd graders in the fall
- Donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter food baskets for Mission Outreach
- Provide lunch for Habitat for Humanity workers once a year
- Members volunteer at Jackson House, St. Joseph’s and Potters Clay
- Monthly Bridge Group
- Monthly Hand and Foot Group
- Member luncheons twice a year
- Annual Member breakfast
- Guild meetings in conjunction with socials
- Fall Picnic with Spouses
- Christmas Brunch with Spouses
3. St. Mary
Captain: Irma GremillionCo-Captain: Lou Millett
Co-Captain: Sarah Aucoin
- Sponsor 2nd grade class at Mt. Pine with school supplies, personal items, visits the class five times a year.
- Donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter food baskets for Mission Outreach
- Monthly breakfast meeting one week before LOSH General Meeting
- May Luncheon honoring our church office personnel
- Christmas Social with spouses
4. St. Elizabeth
Captain: Carol BarrettCaptain: Elaine MacDonald
- Donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter Food baskets to needy families through Mission
- Outreach
- Members volunteer at Jackson House, St. Joseph's Hospital and Potter's Clay
- Provide lunch for Habitat for Humanity workers once a year
- As a fund raiser for our Guild, St. Elizabeth's has a bake sale in December at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church to assist us in our charitable projects
- St. Elizabeth's Guild provides a meal for the CCD children, their parents and teachers once a year
- Make donations to Rosary and Shawl Ministries
- Provide financial assistance to a single mother of four who needs assistance with food and utility payments from time to time
- Fourth Monday guild breakfast meetings
- Summer BBQ with members and spouses
- A get together at the Christmas Season for Brunch or Dinner with members and spouses
5. St. Michael
Captain: Pat LuckeyCaptain: Liz McLaughlin
- Work with “Clothe the Child” mission in Jessieville, Fountain Lake and
- Mt. Pine schools to provide personal items and clothing.
- Food Baskets for Mission Outreach
- Pledge money for Dana’s Angels – G & T program at Mt. Pine School
- Volunteer work for the Garland County HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Pre-School Youngsters) program
- Annual Salad Luncheon
- Monthly luncheon meetings
- Christmas Brunch with guild members
- Dinner with spouses
6. Mother Teresa
Captain: Sue GlinkaCaptain: Valerie Hartnett
- Sponsor three 3rd grade classes at Mt. Pine School
- Provide teachers with requested school supplies (Provide the "Scholastic Weekly Reader" for all 3rd grade students. The number of students this year is expected to be about 60 instead of the 35 to 40 they have had in previous years.)
- Volunteers do projects and read to the students with the teachers direction
- Provide books for each child to take home at Christmas and at the end of the year.
- Sponsor an end-of-year field day for all the third grades in May
- Donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter baskets for needy families
- Contribute to Abba House and Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa’s order)
- Provide basket(s) for Card Party door prizes
- Bake cookies for the Annual Christmas Cookie Sale
- A special project we have is raising money for a Missionaries of Charity orphanage in Cambodia so that they can have cloth diapers and diaper covers for the infants and toddlers
- Book Club
- Members tour interesting locations during the year
- Several luncheons each year
- Socials with spouses
- Mahjong classes
7. St. Martha
Co-Captain: Ellen ElderCo-Captain: Beth Schmidt
- Volunteer at Mountain Pine school
- Provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets
- Support main guild by selling tickets to each function
- Mass and breakfast once a year
- Breakfast meeting once a year
- Guild luncheon once a year at a member’s house
- Bridge every other month at a member’s house
- Once-a-year social outside the Village
8. St. Anthony
Captain: Barb PotterCaptain: Chris Frantz
- Donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter Baskets to a Village Outreach family
- Provide casseroles and desserts for Glenhaven Youth Ranch when asked
- Provide dinner for volunteer staff at Christian Medical Clinic in Hot Springs once a year
- Provide dinner for CCD students, parents, and teachers annually
- Visit a Mountain Pine elementary school classroom on a monthly basis, providing treats and small gifts, playing bingo, reading books, leading craft projects
- Volunteer at Rice Depot once a month
- Member get-togethers once a month
- Couples brunch once or twice a year
- Games at member homes periodically
9. St. Bridget Guild
Captain: Cathy WedwickCo-Captain: Arlene Butler
- Members adopt families through Mission Outreach, providing food baskets and gifts for the holidays, and other supplies and assistance as needed
- Members volunteer at Jackson House, Potters Clay, and St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital, deliver Meals on Wheels and volunteer in the parish with Helping Hands
- Members provide lunch for Habitat for Humanity workers as scheduled
- Members meet on the fourth Monday of each month for a breakfast social and business meeting
- The Feast of St. Bridget is celebrated each year on July 23rd with attendance at a special Mass, followed by Brunch
10. St. Jude
Captain Pat GerstnerCo-Captain: Ellie Hubert
Co-Captain: Judy Free
- Christmas party and end of year party for CCD classes
- Assist CCD Program as needed.
- Take care of First Communion and Confirmation
- Ice Cream sale at the Men’s Club Chicken Bake and Fish Fry
- Monthly Guild Meetings
- Plan social gatherings every few months