Monday, September 14, 2020
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Calendar

September 2020
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9:00am [9:30am] LOSH General Meeting (Off Site-Balboa Pavilion)
The Ladies of the Sacres Heart (LOSH) will hold the first general meeting on September 14, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. at Balboa Pavilion. Mask and social distancing will be required. We will be collecting money for the rental of the pavilion as well as our Blessing Basket. You are free to bring a drink and any food from your home that you would like to consume at the meeting. No food or drink will be provided. Seating will be limited to 78 (not 100 as previously advertised) under the Pavilion. Mass is open to all parishioners who choose to attend and will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m., our meeting will follow. You are free to bring your own lawn chair if you wish to sit outside the Pavilion. Our something extra for September will be school supplies for Mountain Pine and Jessieville School Districts. Due to COVID-19, students will not be able to share items this year. All students will have their individual items in bag with their name, and teachers will be required to clean all items each day. They are requesting the following items: Clorox wipes, Lysol, Germ X, Kleenex, Scissors, Markers, Expo Markers, Glue Sticks, Construction Paper, Colored Pencils, Ziplock baggies. We will be selling raffle tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) for four baskets of goodies and a silent auction for various jewelry items. If you have completed your school supply shopping and would like to drop off the supplies at Church ahead of time, there is a collection bin in the Narthex for your use. If you are staying home, and prefer to send a cash donation for supplies, please contact Susan at 501-226-8546 for instructions or mail a check payable to Sacred Heart Catholic Church with "school supplies" on the memo line and send to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Attention: Susan Harrell, 295 Balearic Road, HSV, AR 71909.
